viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017

Why we have to speak English

Este video fue desarollado por mi durante mi beca Fulbright y como parte de mi proyecto, para presentarlo como ejemplo del uso de la tecnología en el salón de clases. #IU #IIE #Fulbright #COMEXUSCARCIAROBLES #ESL #efl

jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017

Business English- Proud of my students.

My students presentations in business English. They present and explain about each company. They research, read, summarize and explain to the class an 2-3 minutes talk. They choose one international company at the beginning of the semester and they work the whole semester with it. They apply their learnings to the context of the company: its products, its history, its figures. Im proud of them. I learn a lot listening to them.

I have been doing this kind of practices for many years. I have hundreds of files in with all kind of presentations from them.