lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

The Butterfly Circus

This short film leaves a great example, because it's a great story, of hope, of never giving up in spite of the problems. Many people give up easily, because of what other people say, or what they think about you. When in reality, it only matters what you say and think, no one has to tell us we have to do as long as you're happy with that.

For many people with sensitive feelings, they will leave a tear. The protagonist of the story has no arms and legs, but this does not seem an impediment to him, for he can swim, and do most of the things that a person with arms and legs can do, and often do not we do.

In the story, he is exhibited as someone weird, and that people make fun of him because of his disability. But that does not matter to him, because he has lived with it all his life.

He is a great role model, has motivated me to never give up in adversity, however great it may seem, there's always someone with a bigger problem than mine, and he did not give up.
In my opinion, if the world had more people like him, everything would be better, all we would help us, there would be no discrimination between people, and even today no one is perfect, no one is able to see their own shortcomings without criticize the shortcomings of others.

I hope that all people who have seen this video, have changed their way of thinking and seeing things, to see things from the heart, and that before you criticize someone, stop a moment, put on shoes of others and think that he would not want someone else to do the same to you, that person may have problems, but maybe live life better than you and all of us.
Edgar I. #26

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