En 1990, cuando me casé por todas las leyes habidas, decidí que nunca iba a aprender a hacer tortillas de harina: No es como veo mi futuro, dije y conscientemente decidí no aprender. La realidad es que alguna vez había intentado hacerlas y los resultados eran desastrosos.
Creo que no solo hacer tortillas, si no una serie de decisiones tal vez no muy conscientes. No tienen idea de cuantas veces salí corriendo de mi casa para alcanzar una conferencia, tomar un curso, asistir a un diplomado y con el rabillo del ojo, la cocina me gritaba: hey! y yo sin culpa alguna, tomaba las llaves, mi bolsa y corría hacia el aprendizaje. Ya estarían ahí cuando regresara y probablemente a la manana siguiente cuando tuviera energía para ello.
Desde que llegué aquí a Bloomington Indiana y compré tortillas procesadas, la idea llegó a mi cerebro y me dije: Nomás eso falta, que venga a Estados Unidos a aprender a hacer tortillas!
Hace muchos días que siento una terrible nostalgia, no solo por las tortillas, sino inclusive por imagénes, voces y sensaciones. Hay un fenomeno que he vivido cuando me he cambiado de ciudad, y es que empiezo a ver personas que creo que son mis amigos, un perfil, unos ojos, un cuello y sabes que es imposible que sean ellos y ellas.
El llegar a mi trabajo y saludar a la gente querida, abrazándolos es lo que mas extraño tal vez, nahhhh los tacos de carne asada! son muchas sensaciones que los sentidos otorgan: el carcajearse por una broma tonta o de doble sentido con los compañeros y amigos; la sonrisa pícara de tu pareja o de tus amigas; lo mullido de tu cama, el espacio de tu regadera. El estirar tu brazo para acercarte a alguien a tu pecho.
El caminar por los pasillos y ver la sonrisa de mis alumnos, las carcajadas y sonrisas. Hay algo entrañable en nuestro mirar hacia lo conocido, lo familiar, que no se encuentra en ningún lugar.
Estoy a la mitad de esta experiencia. Es tal vez la experiencia de mi vida y eso me abruma. EL no saber que sigue después. Siempre he visto al futuro, he trabajado para el futuro, he soñado y construido cimientos para mi futuro. Estar aquí es resultado de ello. Estar entre dos aguas es fuerte. No sabes hacia que lado nadar.
Aquí todos son especialistas en algo, dominan una área de su conocimiento y son expertos de ello. Yo como buena mexicana, soy todóloga, es mas tengo una carrera que dejé y perseguí otra, educación, que adoro pero no es mi perfil.
Del español, yo solo se hablarlo, medio escribirlo y gozarlo, no me preguntes del subjuntivo y del indicativo porque no tengo idea.
Sigo en dos aguas.
Hoy me levanté a las 6:00 a.m., las tres de la manaña de mi Mexicali.. preparé café, perdí tiempo en Facebook (es mi ancla hacia lo familiar) y cuando el hambre me impidió leer algo serio, me decidí a hacer tortillas.
Seguí la rutina que innumerables veces vi a hacer a mi madre, mis tias, las madres de mis amigos. Agarré harina, la mezclé con agua y mantequilla (no hay manteca como mi mamá hacía) y amasé, se tiene que vencer la desagradable sensación de sentir tus manos llenas de masa chiclosa, hasta lograr una masa uniforme, suavecita. A la hora de hacer las tortillas, es donde la puerca torce el rabo. Como pude redondeé las tortillas y al sartén. Nada que ver con las tortillas que mi madre sacaba o la mamá de mi mejor amiga, suavecitas y sabrosas. Pero el sabor de lo conocido en mi boca, no tiene precio. El mismo sabor de las tortillas de mi tierra, me dio un terrible gusto.
Para mi todo son palabras, mis sensaciones las traduzco de inmediato a palabras, surgen sin permiso y sin batalla, emergen y buscan la superficie. Regalo palabras.
Websites made to learn English. I shared my students products, now is where I share my writings. Bitácora y proyecto de la beca Fulbright DAT 2015-2016. C.P. ALBA ROSARIO MARRÓN CANSECO. Fulbright Distinguished Award Teaching Program 2015-2016. This is not an official U.S. Department of State website, and the views and information presented are my own and do not represent the Fulbright Program, the U.S. Department of State, or their home government. They represent my ideas.
domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015
miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015
Mexico… what image comes to your mind when you hear this word? I attended a conference days ago and I will not even mention the name of the author, because I had to listen to his generalization of my country. It was very painful and now I fully understand why people do not react when I say: I am from Mexico!
I am going to write about my Mexico. People full of love and deep emotions from and to their family and friends. People who help each other without asking or waiting for something in return, just for the pleasure of helping or giving. Homes full of flavors and smells and love. People who would help you anytime, offer you their house, their car and everything they have.
People who would not eat if you do not accept the dish that is in the table.
People with needs, perhaps with so little in material level, but even that, they would share with you. Mexicans that work the entire day with pride and joy. Mexicans who are creative, genuine, and brave.
Mexicans that laugh the entire day, making other people happy. Students of mine, thousands in 20 years, that I am sure they still are noble, kind and decent and make everyday a better Mexico.
Because I am a teacher, I have the privilege to know them deeply and genuinely. I have listened to their dreams and I have seen the future in their eyes.
My job is not like this reporter’s that is to research in the dirty side of my country, which a very small percentage of its population happens to exist, and that luckily I have never ever seen it in my life, nor the people I know or I have known. Because we are hardworking people, we are kind and we are noble as many of the 120 000 000 that live in Mexico and the 13 000 000 that were born in Mexico and now live in USA, fighting for a dream.
It is not the people that he portraits, or the ugly images of my country, that he sells.
If you could see and travel to the places where I have been. If you could feel the warm feeling that my soil and people inspire. Do not believe me or believe him, look for yourself, dare to live Mexican experience.

I am going to write about my Mexico. People full of love and deep emotions from and to their family and friends. People who help each other without asking or waiting for something in return, just for the pleasure of helping or giving. Homes full of flavors and smells and love. People who would help you anytime, offer you their house, their car and everything they have.
People who would not eat if you do not accept the dish that is in the table.
People with needs, perhaps with so little in material level, but even that, they would share with you. Mexicans that work the entire day with pride and joy. Mexicans who are creative, genuine, and brave.
Mexicans that laugh the entire day, making other people happy. Students of mine, thousands in 20 years, that I am sure they still are noble, kind and decent and make everyday a better Mexico.
Because I am a teacher, I have the privilege to know them deeply and genuinely. I have listened to their dreams and I have seen the future in their eyes.
My job is not like this reporter’s that is to research in the dirty side of my country, which a very small percentage of its population happens to exist, and that luckily I have never ever seen it in my life, nor the people I know or I have known. Because we are hardworking people, we are kind and we are noble as many of the 120 000 000 that live in Mexico and the 13 000 000 that were born in Mexico and now live in USA, fighting for a dream.
It is not the people that he portraits, or the ugly images of my country, that he sells.
If you could see and travel to the places where I have been. If you could feel the warm feeling that my soil and people inspire. Do not believe me or believe him, look for yourself, dare to live Mexican experience.
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